Visits with...
Tabacalera Art Promotion

Photograph by Galerna, Tabacalera/Educa, Tabacalera Promotion of Art
Visits with…was a program of visits designed and carried out by researchers of different profiles, which was promoted byTabacalera/Educa, and from which a whole series of readings of the exhibitions hosted by Tabacalera Promoción del Arte were proposed, which were raised from the lines of work of the invited people.
From La Liminal we participate in this program proposing nine tours of the exhibitionAttempts to exhaust a space through which we approach the memory and identity of Tabacalera, as well as wonder about the potential of cultural mediation to activate the exhibition space, both from within and by establishing connections with the outside of the institution.
Our proposal to think about mediation in an expanded way, going beyond the limits of the exhibition space, took shape in an urban tour with which we closed this cycle, putting the works in the exhibition in dialogue with the spaces of the Lavapiés neighborhood.
HereYou can read the text with which we collected what happened on these tours.